Friday, February 3, 2012

The Completed Beaded Clutch

The finished product!
After threading hundreds of tiny beads onto a paper thin needle I have completed my needlework project of the last few months. :) The beading techniques were so fun to learn, and I ended up using a pattern I already had to make a little clutch out of the beadwork I had done. I lined it with shiny gold fabric, and it looks fabulous!

Because the lining was easily frayed and slickery, I put a simple cotton fabric between it and the outside fabric to add extra support.

This was a really enjoyable project to do. I did have to use a small "TV" tray to keep the beads contained, but this project is easily done in front of your favorite television show or while listening to a book on tape.

The multiple layers of fabric, and shiny gold! 
My next project for my needlework class is a quilted table runner! I am so excited to learn how to quilt. I have been dying to buy those cute little fabric squares and I hope I am advanced enough by this summer to make a special quilt to match my college dorm next year! I have not taken any pictures yet, and we only have class once a month, so I will post about that exciting new project as soon as I can!

Have a fabulous day!

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