Monday, January 3, 2011

In a Land of Strange Sights...

Here is a list of characters you might meet when you go on a quest in Bamarre.

Specter~ A monster that can take on any form. It's main goal is to deceive and kill humans by "leading" them to someone they love or something they want, hiding a fatal cliff or other obstacle from the victims' view. When (If) they are discovered, they begin to vanish. You can ask them one question at this point (Which they have to answer, although they don't always know the answer, and they usually answer in riddles.) if you can keep them from disappearing. To keep them from disappearing you must shout at them to stay. They leave no footprints.

Gryphon~ Gluttonous monsters that fly. They have beaks, lion's hides and eagle's feathers, but the latter two are disgustingly tattered and scarred. They will eat until they die from gorging. They are not very bright.

Ogre~ Another no-so-bright monster of the Bamarrian plains. Their speech sounds like rocks colliding, and they stand taller then the tallest man. They like to crush their victims with rocks.

Dragon~ Large. It's scales, when detached, can make a filling soup when placed in water, warm you when stuffed in your clothes, and keep mice out of your home when placed on the mantle. Their eyes turn wine red when they flame. At other times their eyes are translucent. Their bodies seem to be made of heat. Heat surrounds them wherever they go. They are known to be cunning, and they keep their human prisoners for months on end to be entertained by them. They love treasure.

Sorcerer~ They are born when lightning strikes marble. The flame that results fuels them their entire lives. When it goes out, they do to. They don't have to eat or sleep. Their eyelashes are white, while the rest of their hair is black. They do magic and are not generally evil.

Poor Princess Addie. She has relied on her sister Meryl her whole life as her protector and comforter. Now the positions are reversed. Will Addie find the courage to save her sister and her kingdom? Find out soon!

Keep Reading!

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