Monday, November 29, 2010

Beauty and the Roses

If roses could only be grown by sorcerers we would be living in a very strange world. This strange world is where Beauty, her father and two sisters live. So far this story differs eleven times from the Disney movie we all know and (possibly) love. Let me outline the differences for my readers who aren't reading along. :)
1. Beauty has a mother in the beginning.
2. They were splendidly rich until her mother died.
3. She has two sisters.
4. Her father is a respected merchant, not a wacky inventor.
5. Beauty has a talent for anything to do with flowers.
6. They move from a large city to a smaller town where they live in a cottage.
7. The cottage (Rose Cottage) was built and lived in by a sorceress.
8. The roses around the cottage have not bloomed in the twenty years since the sorceress disapeared.
9. Beauty makes the roses bloom and people begin asking her if she is a sorceress.
10. Her oldest sister, Lionheart, goes around disguised as a boy so she can work with horses, which is her passion.
11. Beauty has been told of a sorcerers' battle involving Rose Cottage that was fought in the town they are living in.
And I am just in chapter four! (By the way, this version of the story differs less from the original tale then from the movie...)
Next time I would like to outline characters for everyone-starting with Lionheart. I believe the names of all the characters relate to their actual character (as in behavior), and it will be interesting to analyse how clever the author was!
Till we read again,

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